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Five Tips to Warm Up to Winter

Baby, it’s cold outside!That seems to be a recurring theme across North America these days. Even if you can’t get away for your full break, take 10 minutes to leave your desk or normal work area and eat your lunch/snack somewhere else. It will
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replica Michael Kors handbags your mind the opportunity to slow down without work related distractions. Practice being fully present while you are AWAY from your work area.

Tip 2: Choose Positive

Focus on what you are looking forward to every day (not what you are dreading, not that your car might not start at the end of the day, not that you are dreading the slow
Michael Kors handbag outlet ride home, etc.). Throughout the day (during breaks is a great time), ask yourself ‘what went well so far today?’. Then, pause and enjoy the experience. Write down what you appreciate about your leader, co workers, your clients/customers. End each day by writing down three things for which you are grateful for that day.

Tip 3: Smile

Do it, right now! Don’t you feel better already? Now, smile at your co workers as you pass them in the hallway, as you greet them at meetings or wherever you get the chance. Check
cheap Michael Kors handbags outRon Gutman’s TED Talk on the hidden power of smiling. In that talk, Gutman, the founder and CEO of HealthTap reviews a
cheap Michael Kors handbags number of studies that reveal how smiling has a measurable effect on your overall well being, and can be a predictor of how long you’ll live. There is always something to do, or somewhere you either need to be, or think you should be. Use a cold day as an ‘excuse’ to do something you rarely take time to do: read that good book you’ve been meaning to get to, order take out, stoke up the fire and have a movie marathon with the people you care about.

Tip 5: Remind Yourself That ‘This Too Shall Pass’

I was at a funeral last week, and a young lady read ‘For Everything There Is A Season’. I’m embarrassed to admit that I did not know that these words originated in the Bible.
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cheap Michael Kors these words mostly from the song, performed first by Pete Seeger in 1952 and later by the Byrds. These words carry great comfort, I believe, and remind us all that there is indeed a time
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